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duminică, octombrie 08, 2006

Software/Website Evaluation#3

RaiClick (http://www.raiclicktv.it) addresses to all those interested in media, and in particular in the Italian political and cultural life. This is a section of the Rai (the Italian National broadcasting) Website and contains archives as well as the latest edition(s) of the news broadcasted on the three available channels(TG1, TG2 and TG3), as well as all kinds of Tv series (commedies, thriller, historical etc), talkshows and music shows, sports, cartoons and instructional shows for kids, culture and travelling shows.
The website doesn't include external documents (maybe this is one aspect that could be improved in this website), but I think it's interesting to the target audience because it's easy to browse through (the information being presented in distinct categories), it has a clear layout and it also contains a guide to the programs and gives the possibility to subscribe to a newsletter. The video and audio files are of good quality and easy to access (mainly requering Windows Media Player).
Being a content based, this website doesn't provide practice or assessment to Italian learners. Some programs though are provided with written scripts, if these can be considered a form of feedback. This website could be used with intermediate and advanced level students especially, as it provides a good source of authentic texts- of course it requires from the teacher a lot of work in carefully choosing the material and setting the tasks. I already used it when introducing some cultural aspects related to various topics as music or national holidays, as well as for listening comprehension exercises.


Blogger Dan said...

Yeah, it would be cool if they added an instruction section to their site like CNN and the BBC have done.

Even without this, RAICLICK is a great site.

17 octombrie, 2006 12:18  

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